Plant Finder

A Tool to Help Find Plants for Your Space!

Need to do a little research before you shop? PlantFinder can help you search for what works in your yard!! Whether it’s shade or sun, tall or short, foliage or flowering, you can find and add plants to your favorites list. Print or save the list and use it to help you shop our store!

NOTE: While helpful as an educational and research tool, this is not a database of Sargent’s current inventory. Our stock is constantly changing and we may have plants not represented here AND there may be plants on the list that we no longer have in stock. Please keep that in mind while creating your list! Call us 651-388-3847 or stop in to find more!

Search for plants by entering key words and phrases, specific characteristics, or both, then click on the "Search" button, or get detailed information and advanced tips and hints on how to use this resource.

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Deciduous Tree Photo

Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Shrub Photo

Deciduous Shrubs

Edible Plant Photo

Edible Plants

Evergreen Shrub Photo

Evergreen Shrubs

Small Fruit and Berry Photo

Small Fruits & Berries

Fruit Tree Photo
Ground Cover Photo

Ground Covers

Houseplant Photo
Hydrangea Photo
Native Species Photo

Native Species

Ornamental Grass Photo

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental Tree Photo

Ornamental Trees

Perennial Photo
Pollinators Photo
Succulent and Cactus Photo

Succulents & Cacti

Tropical Photo
Vegetable Photo

How can we help?

We encourage you to visit the garden center to explore our full offerings and connect with our team of experts. Our team is on hand to help with any questions you have, and can help you with memorials, deliveries, special orders, and tree planting and more…

Sargents Nursery